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Oily Scalp? Tips for Greasy Hair!

Oily Scalp Tips for Greasy Hair

Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to wash their hair every day… at least, you shouldn’t be. Now, no two heads are the same. For some people, their hair might get oily and greasy in 24 hours, others might take much longer, but in the end, everyone’s hair gets greasy at some point. So we figured we should cover some essential tips to help you manage oily hair. From how often and how you should wash it to product application and overall maintenance! You’re welcome 😉 

Hair Washing to Manage Oily Hair

While it might be tempting, washing your hair every day is definitely not the answer, it can actually make your scalp produce more oil and make everything worse. If you are used to washing your hair daily, you might want to start doing it every other day and slowly build up to every 2-3 days, etc… Over time, instead of producing excess oil, your scalp will produce the oil needed to keep your hair healthy instead. 

Using dry shampoo in between washes will help reduce the appearance of oily hair and can help you go one more day without washing. Here are some of our favorites:

Shampoo and Conditioner to Manage Oily Hair

Sometimes, when people are dealing with oily hair, they tend to choose a harsh or deep cleansing shampoo and conditioner that they feel will dry out the oil and solve their problems. The solution is the opposite! You should stick to gentle, sulfate-free formulas! Sodium lauryl sulfate shampoos can be very harsh on an oily scalp and cause you to produce more oil. 

We have too many favorites to list, but you can head over to our shampoo and conditioner page because all the ones we carry are, in fact, sulfate-free and gentle. Your hair will thank you, and you will love them! We have a large variety because, as we said, no two heads are the same! 

Finally, skip the hot shower! 

Just kidding, you can still take a hot shower. BUT, make sure you do a final rinse with cold water. Cold water will help neutralize your scalp and help close your hair cuticles. That final cold rinse will also promote shine, and not the greasy kind of shine, the healthy and vibrant kind 😉 

We hope these tips help alleviate your frustrations and help you manage your oily hair. 

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