Oily Scalp? Tips for Greasy Hair!
Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to wash their hair every day… at least, you shouldn’t be. Now, no two heads are the same. For some people, their hair might get oily and greasy in 24 hours, others might take much longer, but in the end, everyone’s hair gets greasy at some point. So we figured … Read more

Ways to keep humidity from ruining your hair
It’s summertime in Florida, and we know that’s when humidity is at an all-time high which makes our hair get a mind of its own. While there is nothing wrong with a little seasonal frizz, here are a few things you can do to keep humidity from ruining your hair this season! Fight Moisture with … Read more

3 Reasons to Wear Hair Extensions
Not that you need a reason to have longer and fuller hair…but just in case you need a little bit of help deciding whether to get hair extensions or not, here are three really good reasons to go for it! 1. Volume: If you have thinning hair, there is no shame in using hair extensions … Read more

Is there really such a thing as organic hair color?
Organic hair color explained: Everyone has heard one time or another about the dangers of hair dye; even though those warnings are to encourage safety, not to scare you. At the same time it’s enough to make some a bit hesitant. So what are your options? Dying your hair organically with fewer chemicals and more … Read more

How to protect your hair color to make it last longer?
You love your new hair color but how do you make it last? You decided to get a color change, so you get to a salon and spend a pretty penny on the full color overhaul. Whether you decide on a sun-kissed look or a complete change, the question now is: How do you get … Read more

Why do I need a hair consultation?
A hair consultation is an important part of any hair care service, especially when it comes to deciding on a new hairstyle or color change, and should be done before you begin any type of hair service. During a hair consultation a stylist can analyze your hair type, its color, and texture. You get to … Read more

What you need to know before buying hair extensions
Salon Nirvana 954 specializes in 100% human hair extensions. Learn more by visiting our services page. We suggest to start with a consultation. There is a method for every need. We have four different types of hair extensions (hand tied sew-in extensions, fusion extensions and tape-in extensions), all with a different set of benefits, durability, … Read more

Building a Hair Care Routine (A Beginners Guide)
The perfect hair care routine doesn’t exi…yes, yes, it does. Healthy looking, beautiful hair does not happen by accident. It takes a lot of TLC and the right combination of products. You can have a counter full of great products, but if they are not right for your hair type, they won’t do much for … Read more

How to Keep Your Blonde Bright!
This one is for all of our blonde ladies! When you leave the salon with fresh blonde hair, your blonde is radiant . Your hair is full of life, bright and vibrant, and your blonde has never been so perfect. We want to share a few thing you can do at home to make sure … Read more

Tips to Grow Out Your Hair Fast!
We’ve all done it. You decided to chop off your hair for a stylish short look for a change, then you want long hair again, then you feel like going short again, and the cycle goes on. You love change and that’s totally okay! Because we see this so often, we put together a quick … Read more

3 Things You Need to Know About Curtain Bangs
(2021’s Latest Hair Trend) So you’ve seen all the cute Instagram photos of girls showing off their new curtain bangs, rocking that middle part, and parting ways with their side part hair. You love it, you want it, but everyone knows that bangs are a commitment! We are here to tell you everything you need … Read more

How to Keep Your Hair from Tangling
How to Keep Your Hair from Tangling Short hair or long hair, it does not matter, nobody likes to struggle with hair tangles. Running into the occasional knot as you run your fingers through your hair is totally normal, but if your hair is excessively tangled all the time, that can be a sign of … Read more

Magic Sleek VS. Proaddiction? Which Hair Smoothing Treatment is Best for you?
MAGIC SLEEK VS. PROADDICTION? WHICH HAIR SMOOTHING TREATMENT IS BEST FOR YOU? We get a lot of questions from clients looking for a smoothing treatment, specially with the South Florida humidity, smoothing treatments are becoming more and more popular. One of the most frequently asked question we get is “What’s the difference between Magic Sleek … Read more

How This Towel Turban Can Change Your Life
HOW THIS TOWEL TURBAN CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE… While the title of this article might sound like an exaggeration…we are not joking! Adding this towel turban to your hair care routine really is life changing! Healthier and stronger hair is only a few steps away so keep reading! WET HAIR IS WEAK HAIR Every time … Read more

The Most Powerful Hair Repair
The Most Powerful Hair Repair The Miracle Fruit Oil is hands down one of our favorite products to recommend to clients who are looking for hair repair. This product is Clinically-proven to significantly prevent and reduce hair breakage and reverse damaged hair. It is also the only hair oil treatment in the world that contains … Read more

National Purple Day – Purple Everything!
March 26th is National Purple Day – Epilepsy Awareness Day. It’s a day that aims to increase the public’s knowledge of a neurological condition affecting nearly 50 million people worldwide. Here at the salon we love being involved with our community and with many non-profits to help in any way we can. We believe in … Read more

How to Wash Your Hair When You Have Hair Extensions
Hair extensions are a beautiful thing. They take your hair game to a whole new level, not only does your hair look longer, but it also looks fuller and alive. However, getting hair extensions is a commitment and you actually have to take care of your hair. The way you brush your hair changes, how … Read more

The Curly Girl Method – A How-to-Guide
The Curly Girl Method or CGM has become increasingly popular given that it is the holy grail of hair care routines for beautiful, perfect, fresh out of the salon curls! Every curly girl has had to experience frizz, uneven texture, damage, and even a loss of curl over time. While properly treated and styled … Read more

Must Do’s and Absolute Don’ts for Beautiful Wavy/Curly Hair
Gorgeous, healthy, wavy/curly hair does not happen by accident. In fact, wavy/curly hair has very different moisture needs, and great wavy/curly hair takes work! It all starts with understanding some of the basics like what products serve your hair and which ones don’t. Making a few changes in your hair care routine and the … Read more

The next thing in hair straightening is Magic Sleek!
So many women love to straighten their hair, and they do so themselves, or they get a keratin treatment. Studies have come out that advise against the use of Keratin because it does more damage than good. With the keratin treatment, the molecules of the keratin cluster themselves to the natural hair protein fiber … Read more

Have Fabulous Hair Even While Traveling
Women who travel a lot get it. Traveling can take a toll on your hair, especially if you have curls, colored hair, or hair extensions. The goal of this blog is to share some tips I’ve learned throughout my years of traveling. If you have any other tips you’d like to share, let us know … Read more

3 Ways Organic Hair Color Products are Better for you
We’ve all heard organic is better, organic is healthier, and organic is the future. But why are people saying this? Here are three reasons why we chose to use organic, holistic, and toxin-free hair color products. Zero Toxins or Dangerous Ingredients Beautiful hair should not compromise your health. What’s the point of having beautiful hair … Read more

Keep Your Curls Hydrated!
Caring for your curls is extremely important, and one of the most essential steps in any curly hair girl’s routine is hydration. Curly hair loses moisture faster than straight hair because of its shape, which is why you need to condition your hair properly. Many women come to us with concerns they have regarding their … Read more

Wedding Hairstyle Tips
Prepping for the big day? Yay! Your wedding day is all about you, and we have a few, simple tips to make you look even more glamorous than you thought possible. Here are a few wedding day hair tips to keep you looking fabulous! Do not wash your hair on the day of your wedding! … Read more

Extend the life of your sew-in hair extensions
What girl doesn’t want gorgeous hair in minutes? Now, what if a few minutes today could give you gorgeous hair for two months or more? That’s precisely what sew-in hair extensions do! A little time today goes a long way towards saving you a ton of time later on. Plus you’ll look and feel like … Read more

Hair masks and 3 reasons we love them!
You put masks on your face, so why not on your hair too? Hair masks do what shampoo and conditioner cannot. Just like you have a skincare routine to keep your face healthy and looking younger, you should incorporate hair masks into your routine as well. Hair masks go in deeper than conditioner. Hair masks … Read more

4 Busted Hair Care Myths to Disregard Now
We asked around and made a list of four common hair care myths and busted them. Next time you hear someone say any of the following myths tell them Salon Nirvana 954 busted it! Ready? Here are four busted myths (and what you should actually do) Myth #1 Dry shampoo or regular shampoo there’s no … Read more

Love Your Curls!
Many women with curly hair oftentimes grow up feeling ashamed they have curly hair. It’s time to love and embrace your curls! It’s too common of an occurrence where a woman gets her hair straightened to achieve a specific look for an event or to change things up for a bit when she is hit … Read more

4 Beauty Tips for Men
Beauty tips are for everyone, the tips below can be used by anyone, but these were written with men in mind. So if you know a guy that can benefit from these tips send them the link. 1. Proper Grooming Is Key A proper haircut and shave/trim will always make you look crisp and sharp! … Read more

Hello Gorgeous Nominations Needed
Know a special lady battling cancer? Please take the time to nominate her for a Hello Gorgeous makeover! Hello Gorgeous is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that provides complimentary, professional makeovers and cosmetic education to all women battling cancer. We surprise them in a private setting with flowers, chocolates, and a bunch of goodies to … Read more

4 Reasons to Wear Hair Extensions
So you’re considering getting hair extensions? Awesome! Here are the top reasons why people get hair extensions with us. Reason #1 ADD LENGTH Dreaming of longer hair? If you’ve tried to grow out your hair for a long time and it’s just not working out or if you’re trying to fix a short hair … Read more

Hello Gorgeous…… Who Are You?
So what exactly is Hello Gorgeous? Hello Gorgeous is a fantastic organization dedicated to helping women battling cancer look and feel like a million bucks! They are a full 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that provides professional makeovers and cosmetic education to women battling cancer at no charge! Here’s a quote from the Hello Gorgeous website … Read more

Organic Hair Color: 5 Things You Should Know
Are you making a wise decision and using organic dye to change your hair color? If so, your hair will thank you immensely in the long run. Avoiding the harsh chemicals in typically boxed hair dye leaves your hair rejuvenated and full of nutrients. This is exactly why most people turn to organic hair color. … Read more

How To Go Longer Without Washing Hair Everyday
You hear it all the time, but for some reason, it is a hard rule to follow. We are talking about washing your hair. Just like all the beauticians say, it is not a good idea to wash your hair every day. The longer periods you wait in between, the better. But is there a … Read more

Bangs Or No Bangs?
Can you pull off bangs? This is a very common worry that most women face when balancing the idea. The main worry is that once they get hairstyles with bangs and they don’t look good, they will be forced to have them for a few months. This is especially common for those who grow hair … Read more

Factors That Influence Wedding Hairstyles
Your wedding is the most important day of your life. It is a time that you will remember and cherish forever. Because of this, everything must be perfect. Although, you are not trying to be a bridezilla, every detail counts. A very important aspect that you must look over is hair, and not just yours. … Read more

How To Care For Your Natural Hair Extensions
Getting hair extensions is a great way to express your inner beauty and style. If you want luscious locks and do not want to bother waiting for your hair to grow, which may take years. Extensions are always the way to go. However, with these extensions come the great responsibly to take care of them. … Read more

Popular Bridal Hairstyles for 2019
Wedding trends seem to come and go so quickly it can be hard for a bride to figure out what is going to be in style when her big day rolls around. Luckily, there are experts to rely on known as a wedding hairstylist. The first place you should go to is a salon to … Read more

Choosing The Best Hair Color For Your Skin Tone
If you’ve been thinking of changing up your hair color, it could be a big decision, especially if you’ve never dyed your hair before. Even if you have, there’s probably been times when you’ve looked back at pictures and thought “what was I thinking?!” This is why it’s always a good idea to go to … Read more

Have You Seen Our Hair Salon Promotions?
Every woman knows that picking a new salon is really about the hair salon promotions that they offer. If you’re going to invest your time, money, and trust into a hairdresser and salon, you want to make sure that what they are giving back to you matches what you put in. This concept is something … Read more

Try Hair Highlights With Our Experts & Change Your Look
Every woman knows that the quickest way to make yourself feel refreshed and brand new is by changing up their hair. This is why hair salons are constantly packed with women every day of the week! It doesn’t matter if you need a change for a happy reason like you’re getting married, starting a new … Read more

2019 Bridal Hair Trends To Look Forward To
The chances are that you have been dreaming about your wedding day in Fort Lauderdale for your entire life. Now that it is just around the corner, you must take care of every detail. If you want to look your best, bridal hair is a segment that you do not want to miss. Trendy hairstyles … Read more

7 Organic Hair Products Worth Trying
Your hair looks amazing. What product do you use? Hopefully, it is organic hair products, because those are what benefits your hair the most. If not, what are you waiting for? Your hair will thank you for providing it with the proper care and nutrients that it deserves. At Salon Nirvana 954, we are an … Read more

Benefits of Going Organic With Your Hair Care
Attempting to get your hair healthy? We have the perfect solution to make your locks luscious and lavish — our answer: organic hair care. At Salon Nirvana 954 we are here to ensure you get the results you are aiming for. We are located in Fort Lauderdale and take pride in being one of the … Read more

Organic Superfoods That Are Also Great For Your Hair
There is a saying out there that says your hair, skin, and nails, describe how healthy you are. They are signs of how healthy your diet is. There are foods out there that inflame our cells and causes breakdown that ends up tearing apart the collagen, keratin, and elastin that provide strong, silky hair, supple … Read more

The Best Vegan Hair Products
Each year, huge advances are made in health and beauty; so much so that the options are seemingly endless. The use of all natural, organic, and vegan products in every area of health and beauty has become more popular in recent years. When looking for top hair salons near me, the option for vegan hair … Read more

How To Choose The Right Natural Hair Extensions
Hair extensions can be a quick fit to add volume and length to your hair, which not many achieve by solely growing their hair. Choosing the right natural hair extensions can be tricky as there are so many brands to choose from. Take caution, though, since not all brands are of the right quality. When choosing a hair … Read more

What Makes For a True Organic Hair Salon?
It seems that as time goes by, people are becoming more aware of what they put in and on their bodies. Veganism, for example, has exploded in recent years. Because veganism is about adjusting to a lifestyle and not just a diet, those who decide to make the change have to search for all kinds … Read more

Are You Picky? Good! Here Is What Makes Salon Nirvana One of The Top Hair Salons
Trying to find a new hairdresser is difficult. Whether you are a picky customer or if you just have hair that is difficult to work with, you need someone you can trust to make sure you look great after your appointment and beyond. If you’re in the Fort Lauderdale area running a search for top … Read more